What is the Catbutton?

For Game Design 3: Let's analyze the Catbutton!

What is novel (new) about the Catbutton?

The Catbutton is simple: it creates cats out of thin air for visual and audio-based enjoyment.

What expectations are subverted with the Catbutton?

The cats created by the Catbutton defy gravity and flop around bonelessly in the air, unlike real cats. 

What emotion or core instinct might be satisfied by the Catbutton?

Entertainment value SKYROCKETS with the Catbutton when used in the vicinity of someone who enjoys cats and button clicking. The button sound especially is nice (by Christopherderp here). The desire to see cats defy gravity even moreso than they do in real life all while flopping about and meowing is exceedingly hilarious to some.

That's all for Catbutton analysis. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did while I was making it. Happy clicking!


Catbutton.rar 326 MB
Aug 29, 2024

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